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Starting with version 2.2, Kea officially supports TypeScript!

Get type completion when useing logic:

Kea TypeScript React Component

... and while writing it:

Kea TypeScript in Logic

There's just one gotcha.

TypeScript doesn't support the funky loopy syntax that Kea uses, making impossible to automatically generate types for code like this:

// The TS Compiler doesn't like code like this, where all input is
// in one big object that depends on different parts of itself and
// also on the produced output (`logic`)
const logic = kea({
actions: {
openBlog: (id: number) => ({ id }),
closeBlog: true,
reducers: {
blog: [
// We're still inside the same huge object that
// defines these actions just a few lines above
openBlog: (_, { id }) => id,
closeBlog: () => null,
// How to autocomplete the list of valid actions here?
// How to get `{ id: number }` for `openBlog`?
// Listeners are defined as a function that gets the `logic`
// as its parameter, but we're still building it, so 🀷
listeners: ({ actions }) => ({
openBlog: async ({ id }, breakpoint) => {
await breakpoint(10000)
// How can we get this to work?
// Only here, after the logic is fully defined, we could have
// automatic autocompletion, but that's not enough.
function Blog () {
const { openBlog, ... } = useActions(logic)
return <div />

I tried many ways to get this to work, but it was just not possible. Even if I'd totally change the syntax of Kea itself, several things would still not be possible be hard to implement or have big limitations with today's TypeScript. For example selectors that recursively depend on each other... or plugins.

Check out this blog post for a full overview of all the failed approaches.

Thus a workaround was needed.

Automatic types with kea-typegen#

kea-typegen uses the TypeScript Compiler API to analyse your .ts files and generate type definitions for your logic.

Run kea-typegen write or kea-typegen watch and get a bunch of logicType.ts files:


The generated types will be automatically added to the kea() call.

import { kea } from 'kea'
import { githubLogicType } from './githubLogicType'
export const githubLogic = kea<githubLogicType>({
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ πŸ‘ˆ added automatically
actions: { ... },
reducers: { ... },
listeners: ({ actions }) => ({ ... })

It's a bit of extra work, but works like magic once set up!

Step 1. Install packages#

First install the kea-typegen and typescript packages:

# if you're using yarn
yarn add --dev kea-typegen typescript
# if you're using npm
npm install kea-typegen typescript --save-dev

Step 2. Actually ignore the types#

Add this to your .gitignore:


Typefiles are generated and used mainly for coding assistance and CI/CD, so it doesn't make sense to pollute commits with them. Plus they will cause merging issues at pull requests. Just ignore them.

If you're transpiling TypeScript via babel, you won't need to generate any types before a build.

Step 3. Run it#

  • While developing, run kea-typegen watch, and it'll generate new types every time your logic changes.
  • Run kea-typegen write to generate all the types, for example before a production build.
  • Finally, kea-typegen check can be used to see if any types need to be written

Here's a sample pacakge.json, that uses concurrently to run kea-typegen watch together with webpack while developing and kea-typegen write before building the production bundle.

yarn add --dev concurrently
"scripts": {
"start": "concurrently \"yarn start:app\" \"yarn start:kea\" -n APP,KEA -c blue,green",
"start:app": "webpack-dev-server",
"start:kea": "kea-typegen watch"

Step 4. Specify types for actions and defaults#

The only places you need to specify types are action parameters and defaults (e.g. for reducers or loaders)

import { Blog } from './blog'
import { logicType } from './logicType'
export const LocalType = 'YES' | 'NO'
const logic = kea<logicType<LocalType>>({ // πŸ‘ˆπŸ¦œ managed automatically by typegen
actions: {
openBlog: (id: number, blog?: Blog) => ({ id, blog }), // πŸ‘ˆ add types here
closeBlog: (answer: LocalType) => ({ answer }),
reducers: {
blogId: [
null as number | null, // πŸ‘ˆ null now, but sometimes a number πŸ™€
openBlog: (_, { id }) => id,
closeBlog: () => null,
// use `actionTypes` instead of `actions`
[funLogic.actionTypes.randomBlogPage]: () => 4, // chosen by a fair dice roll
listeners: () => ({
closeBlog: ({ answer }) => { // no types needed here

Files generated with kea-typegen will automatically import any types they can, and add the rest as type arguments for kea<logicType<LocalType, LocalUser>>

Caveats / Known issues#

  1. Using namespaced types like ExportedApi.RandomThing is slightly broken. You may sometimes need to create an interface that extends the original type. Creating a type alias will not work, as "One difference is that interfaces create a new name that is used everywhere. Type aliases don’t create a new name β€” for instance, error messages won’t use the alias name. "
interface RandomThing extends ExportedApi.RandomThing {}
  1. With some tools you might need to "Reload All Files" or explicitly open logicType.ts to see the changes.

  2. Plugins aren't supported yet. I've hardcoded a few of them (loaders, router, window-values) into the typegen library, yet that's not a long term solution.

  3. logic.extend() doesn't work yet

Found a bug? Some type wrongly detected? Post an issue here.

Different path for types (not recommended)#

It's possible to write the type files into a different folder as arguments to the kea-typegen commands or with a .kearc file:

"tsConfigPath": "./tsconfig.json",
"rootPath": "./src",
"typesPath": "./types"

However, experience would suggest against doing so. Having the logicType.ts files in the same folder as the code helps detect possible coding and typing issues sooner (the files show up red in the sidebar).

Alternative: MakeLogicType<V, A, P>#

At the end of the day, we are forced to make our own logicTypes and feed them to kea() calls.

However nothing says these types need to be explicitly made by kea-typegen. You could easily make them by hand. Follow the example and adapt as needed!

To help with the most common cases, Kea 2.2.0 comes with a special type:

import { MakeLogicType } from 'kea'
type MyLogicType = MakeLogicType<Values, Actions, Props>

Pass it a bunch of interfaces denoting your logic's values, actions and props... and you'll get a close-enough approximation of the generated logic.

interface Values {
id: number
created_at: string
name: string
pinned: boolean
interface Actions {
setName: (name: string) => { name: string }
interface Props {
id: number
type RandomLogicType = MakeLogicType<Values, Actions, Props>
const randomLogic = kea<RandomLogicType>({
/* skipping for brevity */

The result is a fully typed experience:


You'll even get completion when coding the logic:

MakeLogicType Reducers

Thank you to the team at Elastic for inspiring this approach!

Next steps
  • Read about Debugging to be even more productive when writing Kea code.