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There are a few hooks you can use in your functional components.


Assure that the logic is mounted when the component renders and is unmounted when the component is destroyed.

This hook is not needed if you use any of the other hooks.

import { kea, useMountedLogic } from 'kea'
const logic = kea({ ... })
function MyComponent () {
return <div>Logic is now mounted!</div>


Assure the logic is mounted and fetch actions from the logic. Actions are automatically connected to dispatch.

import { kea, useActions } from 'kea'
const logic = kea({ ... })
function MyComponent () {
const { increment } = useActions(logic)
return <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>


Assure the logic is mounted and fetch values from it.

import { kea, useValues } from 'kea'
const logic = kea({ ... })
function MyComponent () {
const { counter, doubleCounter } = useValues(logic)
return <div>{counter} * 2 = {doubleCounter}</div>

You can only use useValues with destructoring

const { a, b } = useValues(logic)

This is because internally useValues uses getter functions that call react-redux's useSelector hooks when a value is accessed. Because hooks need to always be called in the same order, you can't just store the object returned from useValues and then use its properties later in the code. Doing so might call the internal hooks in an unspecified order. Use useAllValues if you need to do this.


Similar to useValues, but selects all the values in the logic and stores their current state in an object.

import { kea, useAllValues } from 'kea'
const logic = kea({ ... })
function MyComponent () {
const values = useAllValues(logic)
return <div>{values.counter} * 2 = {values.doubleCounter}</div>