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Read the writing plugins guide to learn more about plugins.

Here are all the options you can use within a plugin:

const myPlugin = () => ({
// Required: name of the plugin
name: '',
// default values for output in logic stores, also used to register keys that logic will contain
defaults: () => ({
key: {}
// when are the build steps run (skip this and they are appended to the end)
buildOrder: {
listeners: { before: 'events' },
thunks: { after: 'actionCreators' }
// either add new steps or add after effects for existing steps
buildSteps: {
// steps from core that you can extend
connect (logic, input) {},
constants (logic, input) {},
actions (logic, input) {},
defaults (logic, input) {},
reducers (logic, input) {},
reducer (logic, input) {},
reducerSelectors (logic, input) {},
selectors (logic, input) {},
// or add your own steps with custom names here and other plugins can then extend them
events: {
// Run after creating a new context, before plugins are activated and the store is created
afterOpenContext (context, options) {},
// Run after this plugin has been activated
afterPlugin () {},
// Run before the redux store creation begins. Use it to add options (middleware, etc) to the store creator.
beforeReduxStore (options) {},
// Run after the redux store is created.
afterReduxStore (options, store) {},
// Run before we start doing anything
beforeKea (input) {},
// before the steps to build the logic (gets an array of inputs from kea(input).extend(input))
beforeBuild (logic, inputs) {},
// before the steps to convert input into logic (also run once per .extend())
beforeLogic (logic, input) {},
// after the steps to convert input into logic (also run once per .extend())
afterLogic (logic, input) {},
// after the steps to build the logic
afterBuild (logic, inputs) {},
// Run before/after a logic store is mounted in React
beforeMount (logic) {},
afterMount (logic) {},
// Run before/after a reducer is attached to Redux
beforeAttach (logic) {},
afterAttach (logic) {},
// Run before/after a logic store is unmounted in React
beforeUnmount (logic) {},
afterUnmount (logic) {},
// Run before/after a reducer is detached frm Redux
beforeDetach (logic) {},
afterDetach (logic) {},
// when wrapping a React component
beforeWrapper (input, Klass) {},
afterWrapper (input, Klass, Kea) {},
// Run after mounting and before rendering the component in React's scope (you can use hooks here)
beforeRender (logic, props) {},
// Run when we are removing kea from the system, e.g. when cleaning up after tests
beforeCloseContext (context) {}