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Migrating from Redux

Since Kea is built on Redux, it is very easy to connect it to an existing Redux application.

Using Redux actions#

You can use regular Redux actions in reducers and listeners. Just use their type as a key:

import { kea } from 'kea'
import { LOCATION_CHANGE } from 'connected-react-router'
const logic = kea({
actions: {
doit: true
reducers: ({ actions }) => ({
myValue: [false, {
'REDUX_ACTION': () => false, // use redux's action type
[LOCATION_CHANGE]: () => false, // use it through a variable
doit: () => true, // local action
[actions.doit]: () => true // longer way to write
listeners: {
'REDUX_ACTION': (payload) => {
// when the location change event is triggered
[LOCATION_CHANGE]: (payload) => {
// when the location change event is triggered

Reading non-Kea state#

You can use regular selectors in your selectors blocks:

const logic = kea({
selectors: {
someValue: [
(selectors) => [state => state.rails.i18nLocale,],
(i18nLocale, name) => `${name} in ${i18nLocale} is "John"`

In listeners you have access to the store object:

const railsContext = state => state.rails // selector
const logic = kea({
listeners: ({ store }) => ({
someAction: () => {
const { i18nLocale } = railsContext(store.getState())
store.dispatch({ type: 'REDUX_ACTION' })

Converting Redux actions and selectors into Kea actions and values#

You may pull in data from any part of the Redux state tree with connect. Instead of passing a logic to fetch from, pass a selector:

import { kea } from 'kea'
import someLogic from './some-logic'
const logic = kea({
connect: {
values: [
someLogic, [ // instead of logic like this
(state) => state.rails, [ // pass a selector
state => state.form.myForm, [
'* as myForm' // get everything as 'myForm'
// then use `currentUserId` and others as they were local values

Similarly, use an object of action creators and select the ones you need:

import { kea } from 'kea'
import someLogic from './some-logic'
const actionsCreators = {
doSomething: () => ({ type: 'DO_SOMETHING', payload: { } }),
otherAction: ({ id }) => ({ type: 'OTHER_ACTION', payload: { id } }),
const logic = kea({
connect: {
actions: [
someLogic, [ // instead of logic like this
actionsCreators, [ // pass an object of action creators
'doSomething', // and select what is needed
// they will be automatically binded to dispatch

See the Kea API docs for all options for connect.

Using Kea actions and selectors elsewhere#

If the redux-only part of your app needs access to some values or actions from kea logic stores, you can import them like so:

const logic = kea({
actions: {
addOne: true
reducers: {
myNumber: [0, {
addOne: (state) => state + 1
selectors: {
myNumberDouble: [
(selectors) => [selectors.myNumber],
(myNumber) => myNumber * 2
// The logic must be mounted before you can access its fields
// This is done automatically when a React component is using it.
// If you're using Kea outside React, call logic.mount() manually to have
// access to all the fields below.
const unmount = logic.mount()
// Dispatch an action to add something
// Create an action (returns the object { type: 'add one ...', payload: {} })
// and then dispatch it
// Selectors for querying redux (state defaults to getState())
// Shorthand for selectors (implemented as getters)
// call unmount when you're done

See the logic API docs for more details.

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