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Kea stores all of its runtime data on a context. This context must be reset before you can use your app.


Call resetContext before you render your app and connect all the different plugins to it.

Here are all the options you can pass to it:

import { resetContext } from 'kea'
export default resetContext({
// Plugins
plugins: [
// Create a redux store when resetting the context (no options).
createStore: true,
// Create a redux store when resetting the context (with options).
createStore: { // otherwise pass the following
// what root paths are available for kea
paths: ['kea', 'scenes'],
// additional reducers that your app uses
reducers: {},
// preloaded state for redux, used only with all non-kea reducers
preloadedState: undefined,
// middleware that gets passed to applyMiddleware(...middleware)
middleware: [],
// the compose function, defaults to the one from redux-devtools-extension or compose from redux
compose: composeWithDevTools || compose,
// gets passed to compose(middleware, ...enhancers)(createStore)
enhancers: []
// global defaults for specific logic
defaults: {
scenes: {
some: {
logic: { key: 'value' }
// make a lot of noise
debug: false,
// automatically build and mount logic when kea({}) is called. useful for legacy apps
autoMount: false,
// after calling const builtLogic =; builtLogic.mount(),
// make fields like builtLogic.actions available on logic
proxyFields: true,
// if true, the defaults option takes keys like defaults:
// --> { 'scenes.some.logic': { key: 'value' } }
// if false, the defaults option takes keys like defaults:
// --> { scenes: { some: { logic: { key: 'value' } } } }
flatDefaults: false,
// how to regenerate the store when attaching a reducer to redux
// - dispatch = dispatch a ATTACH_REDUCER action
// - replace = silently replace the root reducer
attachStrategy: 'dispatch',
// how to regenerate the store when detaching a reducer to redux
// - dispatch = dispatch a DETACH_REDUCER action
// - replace = silently replace the root reducer
// - persist = never remove reducers from redux
detachStrategy: 'dispatch'


Call getContext() from anywhere to peek into the context

import { getContext } from 'kea'
getContext() ==
plugins: {
activated: [],
buildOrder: [],
buildSteps: {},
events: {},
logicFields: {},
contexts: {},
input: {
logicPathCreators: new Map(),
logicPathCounter: 0,
defaults: undefined,
build: {
cache: {},
heap: [],
mount: {
counter: {},
mounted: {},
reducers: {
tree: {},
roots: {},
combined: undefined,
store: undefined, // you can get a copy of redux's store from here
options: {
debug: false,
autoMount: false,
proxyFields: true,
flatDefaults: false,
attachStrategy: 'dispatch',
detachStrategy: 'dispatch',